書誌情報:Readings in ethnomusicology
selected and with an introd. and comments by David P. McAllester
New York : Johnson Reprint Corp. , 1971
xiv, 370 p. : illus. ; 24 cm
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形態xiv, 370 p. : illus. ; 24 cm
内容注記Nettl, B. What is ethnomusicology?
Reinhard, K. The Berlin Phonogramm Archiv
Seeger, C. Prescriptive and descriptive music writing
Hood, M. Sléndro and pélog redefined
Freeman, L. C., and Merriam, A. P. Statistical classification in anthropology: an application to ethnomusicology
Bayard, S. P. Prolegomena to a study of the principal melodic families of British-American folksong
Collaer, P. Cartography and ethnomusicology
Herzog, G. Plains ghost dance and Great Basin music
Rhodes, W. A study of music diffusion based on the wandering of the opening peyote song
Grame, T.C. Bamboo and music: a new approach to organology
Nettl, B. Historical aspects of ethnomusicology
Waterman, R. A. Music in Australian aboriginal culture
some sociological and psychological implications
Burrows, E. G. Music on Ifaluk Atoll in the Caroline Islands
Conklin, G. C., and Maceda, J. Hanunóo music from the Philippines
McAllester, D. P. Indian music in the southwest
Lomax, A. Song structure and social structure
List, G. The boundaries of speech and song
Meyer, L. B. Universalism and relativism in the study of ethnic music
Nadel, S. F. The origins of music
Brown, R. E. India's music
Nketia, J. H. Modern trends in Ghana music
Picken, L. Chinese music
Malm, W. P. Practical approaches to Japanese music
Bibliography (p. 367-370)
著者情報McAllester, David Park, 1916-
件名LCSH:Ethnomusicology -- Addresses,essays,lectures
番号LCCN : 78184042

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